Prepare Yourself

Prepare yourself. One of the laws you must not joke with, in the journey of this life is the law of Preparation. My colleague, Paul Fou said in 2008 that you cannot score 10 over 10 in a performance you scored 3 over 10 in preparation. That triggered a lot of thoughts in me on […]
The Law of Attraction, 1

Mostly when we become aware of the area of thinking called The Law of Attraction, it hastens our dreams actualized. While this law of attraction certainly does consist of financial success, it’s much more than that. Abundance is associated with the state of being purposely connected to our Source Energy [whatever consists of each man’s]. […]
Persistence, 02

Persistence is a vital characteristic of successful leaders and entrepreneurs. The problem with the road to success is that many people picture {IMAGINE, FOCUS} only the destination {THE END}, not the journey {THE PROCESS}. When they do that, they only not fail to see that true success is not a destination – THE END, targets […]
Lessons From Footballers

Sometimes, I wonder whether people who watch soccer matches see the kind of things I see; the Lessons From Footballers, I learn. I do see full-bodied and full-blooded men throw their weights and strengths to be in control of a small round leather object (ball). People shout in the excitement of strength, goals, and skills. […]
How Do You See What You Do? 3

On How Do You See What You Do, which I started earlier, a deep contemplation ensued in part 1 some time ago. I laid a foundation on how to view whatever you do to get a result. You know no one doubts the result? So, the result can be a goal, a motivator, and an […]
How Do You See What You Do? 1

How Do You See What You Do, perhaps your career, business, study, profession, or ministry? This is a million dollars question as people would say. Don’t you think so? The way you think about a thing affects your productivity there because it affects all your subconsciousness cum mind to affect your motor nerves (action points) […]
Unlock Your Problems-Solving Potential

Unlock Your Problem-solving Solving Potential, and maximize the possibilities herein. The key to unlocking problem-solving potential or capability resides in no man’s house than in your creative thinking. This comes from learning. Why? It’s a skill, and all skills whether football, driving, speaking, or dancing are learned. Keys are authority, power, access, permission, essential and […]
11 Shocking Reasons Many Book People Are Poor

The very 11 Shocking Reasons Many Book People Are Poor. Why are too many so-called educated “bukuru” [book] people after so many degrees still poor commensurate to years and supposed knowledge acquired? Many cogitations of mine have enabled me to come up with these 11 unbreakable reasons. Reason #1 Why so many “bukuru” people are […]
How Do You See Reading? 02

How Do You See Reading is a critical question that can be seen as casual yet pregnant and worth asking. Not being good at reading is forming a black man’s way of doing things (culture). It is a poor reading culture if people find reading as punishment, manual hard labour, non-exciting and non-energizing. A saying […]
How Do You See What You Do? Part 2

I concluded in part 1 of how do you see what you do that there are two groups of people that exemplify good ways of looking at how they see what they do vis-à-vis their work, business, or careers and they are sports people and entertainers. Sports People What is it with sports stars e.g., […]
Forces Of Success 1

Forces of success are real, too real than success itself. How many of us remember this trio rather, this picture, taken on their award day, at the finals of U17 World Cup Final played between Argentina versus Nigeria, where Argentina won with Nigeria as second (silver) by 3-2. In that tournament, the boy (now man) […]
Never Forget Your Theme 1

Never forget your theme is a piece of good advice to pass across to any man any day. In life, businesses, discussions, projects, operations, and programs most people tend to forget the THEME of the gathering, business transactions, discussions, projects, programs, etc. Themes are major objects of interest or concern (as in a discussion or […]