On How Do You See What You Do, which I started earlier, a deep contemplation ensued in part 1 some time ago. I laid a foundation on how to view whatever you do to get a result.
You know no one doubts the result? So, the result can be a goal, a motivator, and an incentive.
But to add flesh to that meditation, let me demonstrate it with 2 or 3 careers. This takes a pretty 2sessions to do a deeper job on it. You can CONTACT us to know how to get the whole gist.
Back to Question: How do you see what you do? I mean your Career? Let me assume you’re a student studying for one degree, certification, or promotion.
I said in all games; these 4 apply;
- there is an opponent to be beaten and sent home.
- I’m the person to beat the opponent otherwise I’m finished.
- There are rules to use in beating him yet fair play is being watched out for.
- every energy, second, resource, and concentration are invested in winning because only winning counts.

Let me add more to make it 8;
- There is an object of play.
- Your opponent
- There is a standard of knowing the score.
- There are rules to adhere to.
5. Object of Play.
For soccer, the object is football. Footballers know and play with it every time. For tennis, it is bat and tennis. The same applies to all games. For academics, many students don’t know, yet they call themselves students. The object of playing against the opponent called ignorance is KNOWLEDGE.
6. Your Opponent
To win a game of academics (call it a book), you must know this MAN. Your classmates/coursemates are not him. Error. Over 85% of students of all time see their classmates as opponents and as competitors. Education nosedive in areas where this is predominant. No sportsman sees his teammate as a competitor but as a co-player, co-goal-pursuer. So, students, hear me well: you are not in competition with your course mate but in symbiotic cooperation with them to conquer just one enemy, the worst and most common enemy to mankind. It goes on with the name IGNORANCE.
7. Standard of knowing Score.
Finding a way to teach classmates or others what you have learned holds the key to MASTERY of what you do. I don’t believe I know a thing if I can’t replicate and demystify it to others. How many students know this KEY to mastery? Because of measurement standards, EXAMINATION became the most portable and acceptable standard of knowing scores. You can see where examiners took scores from (sports) when accessing students’ performance.
8. The Rules To Adhere
This is the most desecrated. You should expect this from one who doesn’t know his opponent. Teaching this only takes 2 hours by 2 sessions, but let me try to make 3 sentences here. Rules governing bookwork or academics are;
- Rules governing REMEMBERING
- Laws of the BRAIN.
- Power of IMITATION.
Wow…How Do You See What You Do?
How many parents who send their children/wards to schools made provisions for this? More or less, many parents send their children to school without knowing these.
Mike Ihezuo can be CONTACTED here or visit a page.