Prepare yourself. One of the laws you must not joke with, in the journey of this life is the law of Preparation. My colleague, Paul Fou said in 2008 that you cannot score 10 over 10 in a performance you scored 3 over 10 in preparation. That triggered a lot of thoughts in me on this force called preparation. Preparation is a FORCE. Have you observed that:
- sport stars practice?
- studious students do read for knowledge and exams?
- choirs rehearse for worship services before the d-day?
- musicians practice their music and demonstration severally before an outing?
on and on.
Every worthwhile journey requires adequate preparation. Every great success story has great preparation. A casual approach to life makes you a casualty.
The Law of Preparation states that the prepared person is always more likely to succeed than the person who acts without thinking or preparation.

It is after all only through the process of preparation can you begin to foresee what potential challenges lie ahead and thereby make the necessary adjustments to successfully navigate through these obstacles.
No man prepares for battle in the days of the battle itself BUT before the days of battle.
People don’t fail because of demons BUT they fail because they did not prepare adequately. Demons are everywhere yet people excel. Excel today, Prepare now for it.
Nature of the Preparation
Presidents and billionaires of this world have traces of demons, yet they made it. It is like what a medical doctor told me one day that the malaria parasite is in every man living in the tropical region.
1. Great success stories are often the result of the attention given to the small details that the average person never considers. Yes, you get it. It is after all not the large boulder that is likely to block your path, but rather that small pebble stone caught in your shoe that will sabotage your success. It’s the attention to these small details that makes all the difference in the world.

2. The mother of preparation is starting the year with GOD. My pastor used to make a profound statement and I know it’s true. He says, every man at the top there is either heavily negatively or positively spiritual. Wow! That means the person is either dangerously a satan or a GOD worshipper. No middle ground in succeeding. To this, spiritual preparation is KEY. As churches embark on praying and fasting season, avail yourself of the opportunity to participate. Don’t pretend as if you don’t need God. If you don’t need Him, you better need something for you. Don’t be neutral. My admonition: Prepare yourself through GOD’s WORD, PRAYER, and FASTING. Jesus was destined to be great, but that did not come until after preparation through Praying and Fasting. Matthew 1:21, Luke 1:32-33, 4:4,7. And as God said of Him, so it is for us, John 17:8.
So do likewise. Prepare Yourself.
Dr Mike Ihezuo is the Serving Servant of The Spring Up O Well, an Online Ministry to Te LORD. He can also be reached via CONTACT.
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