Never forget your theme is a piece of good advice to pass across to any man any day.
In life, businesses, discussions, projects, operations, and programs most people tend to forget the THEME of the gathering, business transactions, discussions, projects, programs, etc. Themes are major objects of interest or concern (as in a discussion or artistic composition) according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary.

Why is the Theme Critically Important?
- When people forget the theme of their gathering, they get lost and start pursuing shadows and never again the SUBSTANCE of their meeting, hence a theme is and gives substance to your coming together.
- It’s from the theme that topics are taken, so, we may not know the components of our coming together, discussions projects, operations, and programs if we can’t get our theme right. We will be incapacitated to evolve topics and subtopics when our themes are not known or forgotten,
- The theme serves as COMPASS; as a cardinal direction giver, without which distractions can derail our gathering or program.
- … and more.
Never let anyone take you off your theme in life, Business, a meeting, etc.; it’s an evil strategy. This is a critical advice to any man.
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