Unlock Your Problem-solving Solving Potential, and maximize the possibilities herein.
The key to unlocking problem-solving potential or capability resides in no man’s house than in your creative thinking. This comes from learning.

It’s a skill, and all skills whether football, driving, speaking, or dancing are learned. Keys are authority, power, access, permission, essential and necessities. In life, companies, organizations, and families, people assume people can think. Have you heard of someone asking another, “Don’t you have sense?”, “Can’t you think?” Unlock Your Problem-solving Solving Potential, by thinking.
That question is on the assumption that the question thinks less or is incapacitated to think. But it is not so. We make too many assumptions in life. How will you expect much from someone’s thinking womb when you have not impregnated his thinking faculty? Research says 80% of the 7.7 billion on Earth rarely think and will choose, vow, and commit not to think. Why? Thinking involves ENGAGING the brain cells into activities. And these 80% will choose to let the brain be USED (not rest. Please your brain cannot rest for 1 second and you still remain alive. Your brain rests only at death.) Britannica Encyclopedia says that the genius among us don’t use up to 7% of our brain power yet they turn their world downside up. Unlock your problem-solving potential
Please thinking does not cause high blood pressure or HBP. It is cares and anxieties that make one have an HBP. I leave all my cares and anxieties at the feet of Jesus (1 Peter 5:7) as The Holy Ghost gives me directions (John 16:13) in life, career, and business as I THINK CREATIVELY. So, you should learn to think.
Mike Ihezuo can be reached via CONTACT or social media handles:, our website.