leadership roundtable hq

Integrity and Leadership, 1

On Integrity and Leadership, see this one; “God loves the pure-hearted and well-spoken; good leaders also delight in their friendship.”  Proverbs 22:11 (The Message) In a society and time that despises or frowns at INTEGRITY, you look like an odd man out talking about integrity. But integrity is an aspect of character which is the […]

The Law of Attraction, 1

Mike Ihezuo S;peaks

Mostly when we become aware of the area of thinking called The Law of Attraction, it hastens our dreams actualized. While this law of attraction certainly does consist of financial success, it’s much more than that. Abundance is associated with the state of being purposely connected to our Source Energy [whatever consists of each man’s]. […]

Paradox Of Leadership

The Paradox Of Leadership is real.  People, technically followers, depend on their leaders basically because of They made those people their leaders; because mandate comes (emanates) from the people, AND power belongs to the people BUT leaders exercise the power. Their leaders are supposed to know the way to greener pastures, to give them HOPE […]

Evaluate Your Prospective Leaders First Before Empowering Them

Evaluate Your Prospective [Emerging] Leaders First Before You Empower Them is my burden today. See; “If anyone wants to provide leadership in the church, good! But there are preconditions.” 1 Timothy 3:1 (The Message Bible) The place to start empowering people is by evaluating them. Don’t rush into consecrating leaders. With inexperienced people, if you give […]

Do You Ever Ask Questions?   

One of my beloved brothers and cousins by name, Uncle Benji Amadi is quoted as always asking people, “Do you ever ask questions?” Benji is right in that query. Questioning is one of the ways of learning. To me, it is second. Questioning answers to INTEREST and CURIOSITY. Every discovery, invention and it is a […]

Be Your Adviser, 01: Intuition

Be Your Adviser, Use Your Intuition – Does this mean we can’t listen to people or ask questions? Certainly, NO. Leader Mike can’t say that. By the way, you don’t listen only to people, you also listen to things. Things have ears and mouths hence have messages for you if you have ears. But for […]

Growth Mindset, 2

People with a fixed mindset instead of a right growth mindset tend to desire to appear smart even when they may not, with a corresponding fear of looking polished. Their desire leads them to avoid challenges, give up easily, see extra effort as a waste of time, ignore or reject criticism, and envy or begrudge […]

Growth Mindsets, 1

Growth mindsets set people apart in the school of success. A growth mindset is a catalyst for growth. Please make growing in whatever you do a priority, make growing an issue. Growth doesn’t just happen. While growth can be an objective to realize, a goal or target to hit, carve out strategies for growth. You […]

Persistence, 02

Mike Ihezuo S;peaks

Persistence is a vital characteristic of successful leaders and entrepreneurs. The problem with the road to success is that many people picture {IMAGINE, FOCUS} only the destination {THE END}, not the journey {THE PROCESS}. When they do that, they only not fail to see that true success is not a destination – THE END, targets […]

Leadership And Prayers

In my book Grow This Church & Ministry, I stress Leadership And Prayers and that prayer is the lifeblood of a ministry leader. Leaders must effectively and fervently determine their course by clearing every nonsense in their heavens and their earth. Why? Without effectively clearing the mess in the spiritual atmosphere, opposition to their flow […]

15 Diseases of Leadership, 1   

I discussed 15 diseases of leadership, and even 15 Sicknesses of Leadership in my book Leadership Is Everything. It is in chapter 15, pages 163 to 178. I want to dwell a little on the diseases of leadership. Volume 1 of the series I called: The Pursuit of Excellence in Leadership titled: Leadership Is Everything […]

Attitude, Key to Impact

Attitude, Key to Impact is unarguably the winning edge, the difference-maker. ..: As Winning Edge In my book Leadership Is Everything, I emphasized the words of World War Prime Minister of Great Britain, Winston Churchill who said, “Attitude is only a little thing yet it does make a big difference.” Attitude is a mindset or […]