How Do You Train Your Mind to be a Power Thinker?
How Do You Train Your Mind to Be a Power Thinker? Somebody asked me to distinguish between power thinking and positive thinking. Wow, it’s just like distinguishing between power negotiations from principle negotiations. It’s like distinguishing between sports clubs from sports teams, it’s like distinguishing between civil rule from democracy, it’s like distinguishing between an […]
Leaders Make Commitment to Excel in a New Year 1
Leaders Make Commitment to Excel in a New Year Not A Resolution. Commitment is a promise to do or give something: the attitude of someone who works very hard to do or support something [Merriam-Webster Dictionary]. According to the same Dictionary, Resolution is the act of finding an answer or solution to a problem. The […]
Why Many Leaders End Cataclysmically Poor, 7: Purpose of Leadership
Reason 11: Not Understanding the Purpose of Leadership is a reason why many leaders end up cataclysmically poor. I believe most people aspiring for leadership positions hardly understand the purpose of leadership. Purpose does mean OR equal to goals or aims. The purpose is the original intent for a thing – the primary reason a thing […]
Integrity & Leadership, 05
Integrity & Leadership are almost inseparable. What can you say? A man knows that the recommendations he is making are selfish and for his purse only, yet he goes on to mortgage the destiny of millions. That’s an integrity problem, not knowledge. Every day we see it in the corporate world, governance, research, etc. Integrity […]
You Can’t Really Prosper with Terrorists After You, 2
You can succeed to some degree with enemies around but you can’t really prosper with terrorists after you, 2 or around you. Terrorists cannot allow you to move an inch prospering. Terror is an intense feeling of fear. It’s something that causes very strong feelings of fear; a source of persistent emotional distress; a scourge. […]
You Can’t Really Prosper with Terrorists After You, 1
Let the truth be told: you can’t really prosper with terrorists after you, 1. Terrorists are those who unleash terror on people. Terror according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary means a very strong or intense feeling of fear. It’s something that causes very strong feelings of fear; a source of persistent emotional distress; a scourge. Terrorist’s stock […]
Learn to Ask Questions
See, concerning questions, you may not like the answers, but at least you’ll know, that’s why it is good to Learn to Ask Questions. Most of the world’s problems can be laid firmly at the feet of assumptions. Many assume too much. If we assume then, in effect, we think we know, but we don’t. […]
Reasons Many Small Businesses Fail in Nigeria, 03
Reasons Many Small Businesses Fail in Nigeria, 03 continues from part 2. Harsh Government Fiscal, Economic, and Monetary Policy Unfortunately, this cannot be avoided. The government will always make policies that will affect you positively or negatively. You must be ready for emergencies. Your exit strategy must be tight. It is not usually easy but […]
Reasons Many Small Businesses Fail Here, 01
Why do many small businesses fail? Reasons Many Small Businesses Fail Here, 01 are real. This should be uppermost in the minds of wannabe entrepreneurs and new start-ups. A great number of small businesses fail in their first 1 to 2 years of existence or operation. Certainly, many small businesses fail because of many factors […]
How Upward-Moving Organizations Learn & Grow, 1
How Upward-Moving Organizations Learn & Grow, 1. Before now, mistakes used to be taboos. Why suddenly are so many successful business leaders urging their companies and colleagues to make more mistakes and embrace more failures? This sounds ironic, isn’t it? In May 2017, after becoming CEO of Coca-Cola Co, James Quincey called upon rank-and-file managers […]
Integrity and Leaderships, 04
Integrity and Leaderships continue to be a controversial area, not that it is supposed to be, but because most people applying for leadership positions lack leadership values such as integrity is one of them. So, most of us agree with Samuel Johnson that integrity without knowledge is not only bad, but it is weak and […]
Integrity & Leaders
One of the most reverberated characteristics of a leader is INTEGRITY; Integrity & Leaders. Someone said that integrity is dead. This is laughable. This also points to the fact that most of us will grow old without experiencing seeing a leader talk less of understanding leadership. If this mindset exists, how can we be good […]