How Do You See What You Do, perhaps your career, business, study, profession, or ministry? This is a million dollars question as people would say. Don’t you think so? The way you think about a thing affects your productivity there because it affects all your subconsciousness cum mind to affect your motor nerves (action points) to make you deliver or fail.
Let me ask you again, how do you see, view, or perceive what you do, either your work (careerist), study (student), minister (God’s servant), or business, etc. Perception is not just real, it is more than real. How people see you OR the way you see things affects you positively or negatively though that may not be the real state of things.
If you’re a student and you see being in the class, library and study as another social outlet to make friends, jolly, “sag”, what’s up even to pass exams you get it wrong. “Wrong reason is a wrong premise”, says Mike Ihezuo. Nothing good can come from the wrong reason or foothold. Reason is a foothold. As good as many might think passing the exam is a good reason to study, it’s idiotic and offers no solution and value-creation to humanity. Why do you study?

If you work in an organization and you perceive your work as a means of earning a salary or a living (as many use that wrong expression), you see you got it wrong. You deserved not to be paid because you’re another unproductivity waiting to be blasted. That’s why there are many unproductive “working workers” in Nigeria especially.
If you minister, work as a manager, and view your work as a preacher or as a manager, you are in the same pot of errors.
For now, I won’t give more because of space.
Two groups of people exemplify good ways of looking at their work, business, or careers. They’re;
- sports people and
- entertainers
I don’t know whether you watch athletes, footballers, or any of such on the pitch. They see ALL they do as GAME. Their social class, wealth, and anything else don’t count to them there this is a GAME. Why as a game? 4 things apply;
- there is an opponent to be beaten and sent home.
- I’m the person to beat the opponent otherwise I’m finished
- there are rules to use in beating him yet fair play is being watched out for
- every energy, second, resources, and concentration are invested in winning because only winning counts.
By this, value is created. Not to say, you already know that sports is one of the biggest industries in the world today.
What of entertainers e.g. musicians?
When a musician climbs the stage with a mic, his enemies and friends, critics, and admirers become fans. Why? He sees life as ENTERTAINMENT. 3 things happen;
- They become an emblem of happiness even if he left home unhappy. I’ve not seen an angry musician MC or comedian on stage.
- They see their products as what you make them, not what they make, so they want you happy or entertained to be so. Because, if you’re happy, their product is good. You know that’s the definition of entertainment.
- They want to conquer too…
The Motivational Teacher can be reached via this CONTACT.