In Search For New Leaders where productivity Is damn low is a painful and a must.
Hear from the father of modern Management, Peter Ferdinand Drucker,
“The great management challenge (I add: leadership) is to make productive the tremendous new resource, the KNOWLEDGE WORKER. This is rather than the productivity of MANUAL WORKER. This is the KEY (key: ‘unlocker’, ‘unleashed’, access giver, power, way-out. Key is more than a padlock) to economic growth and economic performance in today’s society”.

Our society is grossly unproductive, and each election time politicians come and package themselves, speak “political” grammar, and share money and nobody asks how we RAISE THE BAR OF PRODUCTIVITY so that the majority of our people can be empowered by economic activity. Sir, it’s a serious economic activity that makes for economic growth and performance in the world.
Some of the criteria our people use in voting someone into political office be it legislature or executive are;
- Can the politician share the bigger money since all politicians will share money?
- Who will pay their children school’s fees? What a madness! What concerns a political leader with paying school fees? But, that’s the painful reality. Visit any politician in his office or house and see the lineup of people asking for rent, fees, meals, drinks, and unimaginable things. Some can and even do ask the politicians (don’t ask me to mention names) to take their wives as girlfriends on loan for appointing me PA.
In Search For New Leaders
Why? Why all these?
Answer: Unproductivity. Our people are too unproductive. If you’re productive like most of us, you won’t give a damn. At election time, many touts, employed and underemployed youths relocate to villages or nearby constituencies for political activism to raise money from poli-juggernauts. It would have been productive if they had contested or negotiated who should MAKE PRODUCTIVE THE TREMENDOUS NEW RESOURCE, THE KNOWLEDGE WORKER, THE SCHOOL LEAVERS, THE GRADUATES, and THE IDEA CHAMPIONS. Our people are mentally impoverished and “stomachally” hungry, and that was the mental calculation of the elites and they played into it “ignoramusly”.
In the season/place of campaigning for elective offices,
- don’t vote for an occult man because he or the national or state house of assembly doesn’t determine his decision, policies, or program BUT by the occult grandmaster (who you don’t and won’t know) who definitely will ask him to suffer his citizens and cause bloodshed to enrich their blood banks.
- don’t vote for a man without vision. Without vision, he’s going nowhere since he doesn’t know where to go.
- don’t live in an information age, an age of knowledge, and vote for an uninformed man. My brother, the cost you will pay will be too big for the next 4 years in following a deformed man. Mathematically,
Uninformed man=Deformed man.
Dr Mike Ihezuo is a speaker, author, writer, researcher, and consultant in Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Success Motivations. He can be reached via CONTACT.