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Living in peace is about living harmoniously with oneself, with others, and all emotional beings around you. It is one of the scariest commodities on earth, whether it be the inner self or between people. Every part of the world – countries, states, clans, and families are traceable to one “peaceless” condition or the other. […]

Keynote Motivational Speaker: Mike Ihezuo


…the great gulf – the need – the gap to fill In this part of the world, most Event Planners (EP), Meeting Planners (MP), and Organizing Committees (OC) forget to plan and pack a Keynote Motivational Speaker for their events, meeting, or conventions. Their Reasons are not far-fetched but include among others: The planners misunderstand […]

Effective Meeting Management


How Effective Are Your Meeting Management? If you want meetings to be productive, contributory, collection, and collation of best brainstorming, there are skills and knowledge needed to be called Effective Meeting Management. See; Organizations gather for annual general meetings with little or no achievement distinct from the previous one than partying, shows, and in some […]

What is Self-Esteem?


Some people think that self-esteem means self-confidence. Of course, self-confidence comes into self-esteem – but self-esteem is rather more than self-confidence. The fact here is that there are many numbers of apparently confident people who can do marvelous things but who have too poor self-esteem. Many people in the public eye fall into this category. […]

Haile Selassie’s Speech


This link below is Haile Selassie’s Speech teaches humanity many things; evils in the world, eye service, lip service, the need to take your destiny into your own hand, and even the act of speechwriting and speechmaking. Take time to read through. Click https://en.m.wikisource.org/wiki/Haile_Selassie%27s_address_to_the_United_Nations,_1963 You can revert through Ad Inquiry, #leadershipxcellence, https://mikeihezuospeaks.net/

Intuition As An Essential Leadership Trait and Skill, Part 1b


When I wrote Unlock Your Intuition, Part 1, somebody in one of the platforms I belong to argued that he didn’t see intuition as an essential leadership principle, and intuition is actually not one, and that intuition is metaphysical, that it says a meeting point of spiritual, rationalization and logical. Those vehement arguments he put […]

Benefits of Planning

Always Remember You & Never Forget Your Theme

Planning is a force in the school of success. How can one succeed in a matter he/she didn’t plan? Many say that not planning is preparing to fail but I say that not planning is already failing. Why do I say that? We’re actually successful by emerging at birth and billed/made/meant to succeed, but forces […]

Loyalty Trusts for Team & Leaders


Have you ever worked in a group/team where nobody shows loyalty trusts to each other? Everyone is a suspect loyaly trusts to another. It’s horrible. You never know where you stand with your colleagues! And you feel disinclined to offer your support or best because you don’t know if it’ll ever be reciprocated. By contrast, […]

Unlock Your Intuition Gut, Part 2


Strengthen Intuition Practice These Exercises to Strengthen Your Gut By relying on this inner wisdom, you will shape a path of fulfillment, success, and ultimately joy in all areas of your life. So, take some time each day for self-reflection, and let your intuition be your guide.   continued from Part 1 Follow Intuition Exercises […]

Unlock Your Intuition Gut, Part 1


Strengthen Intuition Practice These Exercises to Strengthen Your Gut Have you heard of the word “intuition’? Do you ever get that feeling that you should do something, but you’re not sure? Or to leave a place? Or maybe you have a strong gut instinct about something, but can’t quite put your finger on why it […]

How to Avoid an Abusive Partner, Part 2


Home/Family Leadership Series Unacceptable Abusive Habits in a Relationship Relationships require work to stay strong, and often time, people fall into avoidable habits that jeopardize the relationship. Let’s explore more of those dangerous abusive partner habits below: Continue from Part 1, How to Avoid an Abusive Partner. Physical Abuse Physical abuse is an act of […]

Have a Growth Mindset

growth mindset

You may be asking yourself, “What exactly is a growth mindset?” Well, a growth mindset is an actual, demonstrable psychological phenomenon. Don’t run yet, it’s just an expression. It turns out that many long-term successful individuals possess certain characteristics that they share with other long-term successful individuals like them. This set of characteristics has been […]