Before you say YES to a Leadership Position or responsibility, there are certain things you must be sure of, at least to 80% level. Many people take up leadership positions because they see it as glamour. Most see it as their turn. Some see it as what they have grown into. Some see it as employment. Others see it as a business. Some see it as attaining visibility. Others see it as building a resume for higher involvement. Some see it as keeping themselves or being relevant. Some see it as having power. Others see it as preparation to be a kingmaker. Some see it as a right or entitlement [entitlement mentality]. Too few people see it as a SERVICE to humanity. Too minute number see it as a CALL, a MISSION. The REAL INTENT, that is the PURPOSE for leadership in this situation, is being lost in our corporate bodies like associations, clubs, families, societies, departments, schools, workplaces, and institutions, whether local government, state, or federal. Our world is in deep shit – in dire need of the most success-enabling force. Please, leadership is a force to make things happen. All these different agendas people think out of getting to positional leadership constitute a bane and problem to our corporate development.

Please check where you are now and confirm whether the leaders around you are in the light of the above or not. I counsel people not to go into leadership or vote one into a leadership position, especially public ones if these red flags are significant. Also, I counsel voters [though research has it that 80% of voting populations are ignorant fools and stupid idiots who determine winners by the reason of their number] to check out these red flags when considering one for a leadership position. These are red flags.
Red Flags for You Not to Seek Positional Leadership Position
This can also be seen as a Red Flag to Consider in Who to Vote.
Don’t take up a leadership position if you have any or a combination of these challenges;
- I don’t know who I am and have not accurately discovered myself, my assignment, my mission, or my purpose. Leadership begins with self-realization/discovery/help before realizing and helping others.
- I don’t KNOW well enough [acquainted with] the people I am to lead contextually in their environment.
- I don’t know the people’s History and Challenges [if not problems]. Leaders solve problems.
- I have no time or not much time to devote to leaders’ assignments. Don’t enter the kitchen if you hate or are allergic to smoke.
- I am not in contact with or living at the base where those I want to lead are. You are not a proxy manager, so you must live with the people.
- I don’t love them enough to sacrifice enough. No love for them, stupidly leave them alone.
- I am not good at sacrificing, hence, can’t sacrifice enough for them what Mike Ihezuo calls TERM [Time, Energy, Resources, and Money].
- I am not courageously ‘bold’, but jittery and frightened, easily unsure of powers above me, my peers, or my subordinates.
- I can’t think far and don’t like thinking far and inward.
- I am not intelligent. Please run from contesting or aspiring.
- I can lead by proxy: using PAs, SAs, SSAs, Ministers, Commissioners, Supervisors, Directors, etc. You’re a deceiver.
- I am not abreast with trends and development locally, nationally, or globally.
- I have a serious physical health challenge. Leadership requires a lot of energy from leaders.
- I can’t unify. Leaders broker peace. Leaders mediate.
- I like being a vendetta: do me, I do you, God no go vex.
- I fall into the least economically empowered class in the group I want to lead. You may not be rich or the richest, but remember leaders run some organizations’ expenses from their purses. Again, leaders ought to lead by example. You can’t be number one and be begging.
- I can’t see far and don’t like stretching myself to see far. You are not a visionary. You’ll waste the people’s lives and destinies.
- I’m not good at accountability, and hate accounting for people.
- I am corrupt. I am a thief. I am a waster. I am a tribalist. Step aside!
- I am inept. Inactive. Corrupt and Inactive people exist at two negative ends of the leaders’ plane; sometimes I wonder about the preferred one.
Strategic rediscovery
Mike Ihezuo is a leadership authority. He believes so much in leaders. he helps leaders in society. He can be reached via CONTACT.