There is a winning edge for becoming the person you want to meet for everyone.

Becoming the person you want to meet
How do you become the most important person you want to meet? How do you become the best person you want to be? Whatever you intend to be, you are the message you communicate. This message determines whether others want to connect with the messenger, maybe you. Eventually, you shine through it. Do you do this? So be the kind of person you would want to connect with.
Why? You’re the message you want to give.
A Winning Edge, The Difference Maker
I want to spend some time on attitude as the key to success. I have written extensively on attitude in 4 of my books. No one wins without the attitude factor. Author Denis Waitley says, “The winner’s edge is not in a gifted birth, in a high IQ, or talent. The winner’s edge is in the attitude, not aptitude.” Unfortunately, MANY people resist that notion. They want to believe that talent alone (or talent with experience) is enough. Even position is not enough. But plenty of talented teams and people in positions never amount to anything because of the attitudes of their players/people.
Using a team of people, look at how various attitudes impact a team made up of highly talented players:
Abilities + Attitudes = Result
Great Talent + Rotten Attitudes = Bad Team
Great Talent + Bad Attitudes = Average Team
Great Talent + Average Attitudes = Good Team
Great Talent + Good Attitudes = Great Team
If you want great results, you need good people with great talent and awesome attitudes.

Excerpt from Leadership is everything
This journey of winning edge for becoming the person you want to meet, of self-improvement and constant learning is a core theme in my books especially Leadership Is Everything of The Pursuits of Excellence in Leadership Series. It offers insights into Leadership, especially as not one of the most important variables of failure or success but the most important, how leadership is not one of the things but is everything. How everything roots, rises, stabilizes, and falls on the leaders. This is the grand truth. CONTACT us.