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Anger Management

Anger Management, the Case of Zinedine Zidane Discipline lies at the root of all success and accomplishment, even discipline with your emotions (feelings, outbursts, wraths), actions (deeds), and mouth (pronouncements). From my book “The Time You’re Livin’ In: Living Successfully in the 21st Century”, receive an excerpt on how indiscipline from anger mismanagement can ruin a […]


YOUR TIMES equals YOUR LIFE, is a sure statement of life. One of the keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Do you invest it or waste it? Incidentally every one of us; rich or poor, educated or uneducated, failure, failing or succeeding, small or big, etc have 24 […]

How Do You See Reading? Part 1

How Do You See Reading? What do you think about reading? What triggers you at the mention of reading? – Boring, Sluggish, Unnecessary, Tired, Tiresome, Learning, Study, Sleepy, Sleeping, Non-essential, Non-rewarding, Exciting, Reinvigorating, Charging up? Etc. Add yours. How you see something matters in what you get out of the thing. QED. This is a […]

How Do You See Reading? 02


How Do You See Reading is a critical question that can be seen as casual yet pregnant and worth asking. Not being good at reading is forming a black man’s way of doing things (culture). It is a poor reading culture if people find reading as punishment, manual hard labour, non-exciting and non-energizing. A saying […]

How Do You See What You Do? Part 2


I concluded in part 1 of how do you see what you do that there are two groups of people that exemplify good ways of looking at how they see what they do vis-à-vis their work, business, or careers and they are sports people and entertainers. Sports People What is it with sports stars e.g., […]

Never Forget Your Theme 1


Never forget your theme is a piece of good advice to pass across to any man any day. In life, businesses, discussions, projects, operations, and programs most people tend to forget the THEME of the gathering, business transactions, discussions, projects, programs, etc. Themes are major objects of interest or concern (as in a discussion or […]


Your time equals your life is just a precious truth you must grasp. After discussing three [3] keys to managing self within time [what people call Time Management] in part 2 which are; 1. Construct a system – a system of doing things, a system of people, just a system 2. Focus on your goals […]

Knowledge, Knowing and Know-how, Part 1

Mike Ihezuo S;peaks

Knowledge, Knowing and Know-how are key elements in the school of living. I treasure knowledge. I cherish it. KNOWLEDGE is one of the three things I canvass and sell to my world because of my conviction that if people know [to know is the same as ‘have knowledge’]; people can’t walk in darkness (anytime someone […]

The Concept Called LEARNING

We learn not every day but at every moment we are disposed to learning and have an opportunity to learn. This opportunity comes because someone is willing (charitable, kind) to dispense knowledge. Many hoard knowledge, others hide, a few communicate, while few share. Which one are you? Good learners listen to every WORD in a […]

Some of My Uncommon Discoveries In Life


See some of my uncommon discoveries in life; People don’t LISTEN to a speaker; they’re only pretending to, waiting for him/her to finish speaking so that they’ll ask the speaker their stored questions. People don’t READ between the lines in write-ups, books, or articles. They only read the headline, a few times, flip over, and […]

Anger Management, Part 2


Implications to Leaders continued from Part 2 According to James Thurber, “of The Seven Deadly Sins, anger is possibly the most fun; to lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over tongue the prospect of bitter confrontation still to come, to savour to the last toothsome morsel both the […]