These days, the leadership mortality rate is getting too low. Many leaders don’t last. Apart from the wrong beginning, a leader’s security, confidence, and other things affect staying and finishing well as a leader. I notice this in the course of my dedication to leaders, and I normally make out time to advise them on these, and I think that leaders should develop the strength to last as leaders.
They are:
- Be Secure – If you allow your insecurities to get the better of you, you’ll be inflexible and reluctant to change… and of course, you cannot grow without change.
- Get To Know Yourself – Spend time reflecting and exploring your gifts. Ask for feedback, and do what it takes to remove personal blind spots.
- Trust Your Leader – A good leader will help you to start moving in the right direction … or get on another team. So, see that he does this and then trust him, otherwise look for another leader. Otherwise, you can’t afford to be with a leader you can’t trust.
- See The Big Picture – Your place on the team only makes sense in the context of the big picture that is both shared and personal to you. If your only motivation for finding your niche is personal gain, your poor motives may prevent you from discovering what you desire, hence shortchanging you.
- Rely On Your Experience – The only way to know that you’ve discovered your niche is to try what seems right and learn from your failures and successes.
When you discover what you were made for, your heart sings.
Leaders fail drastically because of not addressing leadership risk factors. Be different today.
Contact Dr Mike at https://mikeihezuospeaks.net/ , Ad Inquiry or #LeadershipXcellence