Discovering Purpose
Where Success starts is with discovering purpose. Nobody to my mind puts it in illustrative format like a leadership expert, my leadership mentor, Dr. John C Maxwell (I love all my mentors with my heart).
John C. Maxwell, in his book Success Journey, highlighted the vague picture of what people think to be a successful person. Apart from misconceptions of success, he says people liken a successful person to (let me share only 4 here, go and get my book for the rest) look something like [emphasis from me]:
- – The wealth of Bill Gates, the many-times world’s wealthiest man [1994-2009], perhaps today’s Elon Musk of Tesla and Jeff Bezos of
- – The physique of Arnold Schwarzenegger (you recall the film: Terminator or The Commando ‘actor’? and who later became the Governor of State of California, USA), or the physiques of style icon, lawyer, TV host, BBNaija host, Ebuka of Nigeria, or that of Cindy Crawford. (These are physique assets men!)
- – The intelligence of Albert Einstein, the 20th-century intellectual whiz kid.
- – The athletic ability of Michael Jordan, the air Michael of basketball feat, the Cristiano Ronaldo and Lionel Messi.
- …etc.
Where Success Starts
Most common, in fact, traditional misconception (myths, errors) about success includes but are not limited to;
- – Thinking that success is about being like the other person. [ERROR]
- – Equating success with achievement of some sort – so they try to achieve. [NASTY]
- – Thinking that success is wealth – accumulation and possession of wealth [wealth and what it brings are at best a fleet. Possession is at best a temporary fix]. [DECEPTION.]
- …again, etc.
Finally, author, leadership expert, and pastor, Dr. John C. Maxwell defines success as “Knowing your purposes in life, growing to reach your maximum potential, and sowing seeds that benefit others.”
A master motivator, my Motivational Mentor, Zig Ziglar, in his ziglarism gospel, reechoed this as “You cannot be successful until you have helped other persons to succeed”.
Jesus emphasized Success differently from materialism severally from the scriptures.
I hold mine for now!
- How much are you helping others to succeed?
- Are you in your purpose?
- Do you know it (purpose), live it, share it, and communicate it?
Success is not measured in (material) possessions but as John Maxwell and Zig Ziglar deducing from The HOLY Scripts informed us above.
- Let’s be transformed by their/my information.
- Quit looking at money as a measure of Success, yet you need money badly for many reasons. Seek to add VALUE more. [See my book, Time You Are Livin’ In:...]
Space is gone. See you in part 2.
Excerpt from my book Dare Be A Success: Develop Success Mentality and Succeed. Contact US.