Unveiling the expert powers, 02

Unveiling the expert powers, the Power Bases continues from Part 01. I said in Part 1 that there are many different power bases that a leader can develop and use. Power base refers to a base of political support. Some power bases include problematic ones such as the power of position, the power to give […]
8 Habits of low-lifers who never move forward, 01

This is 8 habits of low-lifers who never move forward or put another way 8 habits of low-quality people who never move forward in life. There’s a stark disparity between people who progress in life and those who don’t. The difference is clear. The difference is ….? Habits. Habits make people. Do you remember the […]
9 Pillars of Leadership & Where Leadership Starts

9 Pillars of Leadership & Where Leadership Starts Where leadership starts The starting place for demonstrating leadership capabilities is home. It’s also the smallest circle or base of influence. There is always a formula I use in calming people down when I sense a miss-up and disrespect in talking about leaders. I always ask them, […]
Creativity As Success Secret For Recession

Creativity As Success Secret For Recession brings out the creativity or creative nature of us as creators. Creative people are creators. They come into the class of small gods. They are unequivocally creators. They create such things as: TIME; they create time out of the normal 24 hours and make people ask, “When did this […]
Always Remember You & Never Forget Your Theme

Always Remember You & Never Forget Your Theme is great advice for success-minded fellows. Always Remember Too many people forget why they get into a thing, a deal, a transaction, or a relationship. Many forget their GOALS. Many forget their PURPOSE (original intent). Many forget their VISION (where they set out to arrive). Many forget […]

YOUR TIMES equals YOUR LIFE, is a sure statement of life. One of the keys to personal and professional success lies in how you spend your time. Do you invest it or waste it? Incidentally every one of us; rich or poor, educated or uneducated, failure, failing or succeeding, small or big, etc have 24 […]
How Do You See Reading? Part 1

How Do You See Reading? What do you think about reading? What triggers you at the mention of reading? – Boring, Sluggish, Unnecessary, Tired, Tiresome, Learning, Study, Sleepy, Sleeping, Non-essential, Non-rewarding, Exciting, Reinvigorating, Charging up? Etc. Add yours. How you see something matters in what you get out of the thing. QED. This is a […]

Your time equals your life is just a precious truth you must grasp. After discussing three [3] keys to managing self within time [what people call Time Management] in part 2 which are; 1. Construct a system – a system of doing things, a system of people, just a system 2. Focus on your goals […]
The Concept Called LEARNING

We learn not every day but at every moment we are disposed to learning and have an opportunity to learn. This opportunity comes because someone is willing (charitable, kind) to dispense knowledge. Many hoard knowledge, others hide, a few communicate, while few share. Which one are you? Good learners listen to every WORD in a […]
Ghost Writing, Part 3

How to Become a Ghostwriter In part 2 of this series, after discussing the Benefits of Ghostwriting, the big question was; how do I become a ghostwriter? I postponed the answer to this part 3 now. Let me give this foundational advice, to be a ghostwriter, “THINK LIKE A PRO” – a professional writer, and […]
Ghostwriting, Part 1

What’s GhostWriting? I write letters, speeches, reports, Proposals, tender papers and pre-qualifications, and ad scripts for net-worth individuals for money. I’ve written 6 books and edited many for people and inserted their names. (I didn’t read English Language or Communications Arts – just University of Personal Development). My pay is the bill. In one, I […]
Ghostwriting, Part 2

Continue from Part 1 Benefits I said that a ghost writer can major in: Screen Writings, Radio/Television Writings, Scripts/Ad Writings, Humor and Comedy Writings, Speech Writings, Business Writings, etc. Now, what are gains of engaging in Ghost Writings? 6 Benefits of Being a Ghostwriter Ghostwriting gigs can be some of the most lucrative in all […]