Leaders and Discernment

Leaders Ought Not Lack Discernment On Leaders and Discernment, See; So, David said to Nathan, “I have sinned against the Lord.” (2 Samuel 12:13) Like Prophet Samuel before him, the prophet Nathan served as a leader to leaders. God used Nathan to correct his erring leader. One of the erring leaders was David, the king. […]

Living in peace is about living harmoniously with oneself, with others, and all emotional beings around you. It is one of the scariest commodities on earth, whether it be the inner self or between people. Every part of the world – countries, states, clans, and families are traceable to one “peaceless” condition or the other. […]
Keeping Your Vows

The majority of humanity is not self-equipped to remember or implement their vows. Many don’t remember the day when they were in pain, need or want help after they have come out from such a condition. Vows are more than promises, but let’s treat the two as the same for sake of this post. Not […]
Grace in Receiving

Grace in Receiving is a virtue. Many know how to give more than to receive. The majority don’t know how to give or how to receive. That is bad. Very few know the skills and grace in receiving. I’ve pondered many times how I’ll increase my receiving capacity which is a good skill. I’ve tried […]
To Have a Poor Pastor Or Rich. Which Is Better?

Going by attacks on prosperous pastors on public domains and social media, I have come to ask the question, “To Have a Poor Pastor Or Rich. Which Is Better?” Add 1 to 1, subtract 1 from 1, count the odds, and mark the event, it is better to be rich than to be poor – […]
Prepare Yourself

Prepare yourself. One of the laws you must not joke with, in the journey of this life is the law of Preparation. My colleague, Paul Fou said in 2008 that you cannot score 10 over 10 in a performance you scored 3 over 10 in preparation. That triggered a lot of thoughts in me on […]
You Can’t Really Prosper with Terrorists After You, 2

You can succeed to some degree with enemies around but you can’t really prosper with terrorists after you, 2 or around you. Terrorists cannot allow you to move an inch prospering. Terror is an intense feeling of fear. It’s something that causes very strong feelings of fear; a source of persistent emotional distress; a scourge. […]
You Can’t Really Prosper with Terrorists After You, 1

Let the truth be told: you can’t really prosper with terrorists after you, 1. Terrorists are those who unleash terror on people. Terror according to Merriam-Webster Dictionary means a very strong or intense feeling of fear. It’s something that causes very strong feelings of fear; a source of persistent emotional distress; a scourge. Terrorist’s stock […]
Integrity and Leadership, 1

On Integrity and Leadership, see this one; “God loves the pure-hearted and well-spoken; good leaders also delight in their friendship.” Proverbs 22:11 (The Message) In a society and time that despises or frowns at INTEGRITY, you look like an odd man out talking about integrity. But integrity is an aspect of character which is the […]
Evaluate Your Prospective Leaders First Before Empowering Them

Evaluate Your Prospective [Emerging] Leaders First Before You Empower Them is my burden today. See; “If anyone wants to provide leadership in the church, good! But there are preconditions.” 1 Timothy 3:1 (The Message Bible) The place to start empowering people is by evaluating them. Don’t rush into consecrating leaders. With inexperienced people, if you give […]
Leadership And Prayers

In my book Grow This Church & Ministry, I stress Leadership And Prayers and that prayer is the lifeblood of a ministry leader. Leaders must effectively and fervently determine their course by clearing every nonsense in their heavens and their earth. Why? Without effectively clearing the mess in the spiritual atmosphere, opposition to their flow […]
Success Key#1 For Recession

Creativity remains a Success Key#1 For Recession. Read from scripture. 1-2 First this: God created the Heavens and Earth— all you see, all you don’t see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. 3-5 God spoke: “Light!” And light appeared. […]