leadership roundtable hq

Finding the Right Strategic Partnership, Part 1

A primary reason many businesses collapse in Nigeria and in some parts of the world on their first or second anniversary is because of the burden of doing it alone. Our people are not used to pulling forces together in businesses and projects. People here like a solo lifestyle – doing it all alone. In […]

Find the Right Strategic Partnership, Part 2

: How Can I Get a Good Partner? Cont’d from Part 1 You can find the right strategic partnership anytime; at the start, or at a beginning of a new business/contract/project, in a phase of work. Same way, you can stop/drop one at the end of the deal or continues as long as possible. the […]

Creative Destruction, Part 2

Deep Thoughts On Creative Destruction: Industries in Danger Presently, there are a number of industries that have been on the decline from the effects of creative destruction. For example, streaming services like Netflix (NFLX), Amazon (AMZN), and Hulu have negatively affected brick-and-mortar movie and gaming rental stores, as evidenced by massive store closings. I can’t […]

Creative Destructions, Part 1

Deep Thoughts On  on Creative Destructions: Pros and Cons Creative Destructions is an idea, a concept coined by Austrian-American economist and political scientist Joseph Schumpeter in his book “Capitalism, Socialism and Democracy.” Schumpeter’s theories revolve around the concept of competition and innovation being the chief contributing factors to economic growth. Creative Destruction, in essence, and […]

Quit Surviving, Embrace Reality Of Competition


What scarcity is to economics is what competition unavoidably is to Business. So, it demands tremendous Effort, Focus, and Discipline [EFD] to do the things necessary to attract the SCARCE money of Clients/Customers towards patronizing your goods and or services. So again, the search for PATRONIZATION or CUSTOMERSHIP is no joke and shouldn’t be taken […]

The Purpose of Business

On November 27, 2008, my company, an oil service company in Trans Amadi Port Harcourt, celebrated being the first African company to be awarded BSI ISO9000 FasTracQ. At the celebration party, during the free comments session, I came out as the QA Team Leader on Documentation and defined business as “an economic venture to earn […]


Beware Of, Rather Be Careful Of Packaging Packaging is an interesting marketing concept.  It means putting something inside a package or (just ornamenting a thing, content, or a pack). A package is a container that houses or contains content. Content is mostly the coveted or talked-about substance in a product /service, while the container or […]