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Lasting Change in Life


How to Make a Lasting Change in Life Though it may be challenging, making a change in your life is doable and worth attempting. If there’s something about your life that you don’t like, and you want to make a change, then read on. In this blog post, we’ll discuss how to make a lasting […]

Change Your Life, Part 2


Simple Tips for Making a change in life for a Better Life Making a change in life can be tough, but it’s worth it. No change, no growth. All growth is a change process. If you’re not happy with the way things are going, don’t wait – make a change today! Continue from Part 1 […]

Change Your Life, Part 1


Simple Tips to Change Your Life for the Better Change doesn’t take time as much as it takes truth. As a matter of fact, change or transformation takes truth. Are you truthful to change, to transform into a more desired person of your choice?  Are you desiring change? Though it may be difficult depending on […]

Building Unbreakable Self-Discipline Exercises, Part 2


Discipline becomes a strong issue when it becomes self-discipline. Corporate discipline can be compelled or enforced by rules, policies, and laws. Self-Discipline is self-control, self-restraint, and self-temperance exercised over a matter with a view of achieving a goal. Are you beginning to see where the challenges are coming from? Developing or building self-discipline is one […]

Building Unbreakable Self-Discipline Exercises, Part 1


Do you easily give in to temptation or pressure? Do you find yourself unable to stay on track with your goals and dreams? Do you feel easily tossed to and fro by any wind of information or story? Do you feel like you’re constantly struggling with self-control, temperance, and self-discipline? If so, don’t worry. The […]

Finding Career and Professional Happiness


Do you hate your job? Do you remember Monday morning when you become unhappy? You are not alone. Can I help you in finding career and professional happiness? Can I give you ideas to help you in finding career and professional happiness? Now read me intently. I want to talk to fellow career people like […]

Systems Thinking Mental Models


Humans all have their ways of making sense of the world. We see a particular situation, digest the information, and react based on our understanding. This is a cognitive process. This cognitive process is built around mental models – the frameworks that shape our thoughts, understanding, and responses. I’m working on Thinking. In this piece, […]

Coping with Despising


Start from Despise You. It’s Part 1 of this post. Now that you know better why people may despise you, it is good to know how to minimize or curb people despising you. More importantly. are the ways of coping with despising. Below are some of the ways of coping with people despising you, or […]

Despising You


Reasons People May Be Despising You  The world is full of nice, pleasant and unpleasant, and interesting and uninteresting people, but once in a while, you might run into some who seem to constantly try to look down on you, deride, scorn, despising you, or put you down. Sometimes it can even be your relatives, […]

Focus Vs Endurance


In any trade, activity, or endeavour in life, business, or career, it is important to build endurance, persistence, and resilience. Let me work with endurance… Endurance can be defined as the ability to focus on the task at hand and bring it successfully to a conclusion, with minimal or no distractions. Distraction is a major […]

Concentrate on One Goal


It is easy and best (of course) to concentrate on one goal, pursuit, endeavour, or dream if a person is well motivated. The opposite is true also. Self-motivation has a very strong connection to the concentration of an individual who aims for a very special thing. When one aims for one thing very special, the […]

Reasons You’re Not Attracting What You Desire


If you’re the type that is interested in success motivation or personal development, you’ve probably heard about the law of attraction. Okay! Since the launch of the book and movie, The Secret, [you must have seen the book in bookstores] many people have been using this law may be you to attract what you desire. The […]