Do you hate your job? Do you remember Monday morning when you become unhappy? You are not alone. Can I help you in finding career and professional happiness? Can I give you ideas to help you in finding career and professional happiness? Now read me intently. I want to talk to fellow career people like you.

According to a Poll by Gallup in 2017, 85% of people worldwide seriously dislike or hate their job. You may be one!
This is disheartening and threatening to corporate life, as it can be so challenging to have to show up in the workplace as a workforce at a job you hate. Hmmmmm, you find yourself dreading the commute to work more and more, stomach in knots, and counting down every minute till your shift is over, yet you’re not happy with the work.
You know you need the money, but the agony you go through internally is sucking the life right out of your soul that, that money sought after cannot remedied.
If this resonates with you, what can you do? This is why I’m writing you this Finding Career and Professional Happiness, take your time and eat the meal. Please, don’t read it, EAT it all to the end.
Without a doubt, you’re not alone. Millions of people are unhappy with their job and are desperate to figure out how to escape them and go after a job they love.
Ideas to Help You Not Hate Your Job
Here are some ideas on what to do about it.
You Can Begin a New Journey
The good news is that if you’ve come to this point of job tastelessness in your life, accepting the reality that your job is bringing you down not up, you can now start a journey to change your reality. You can now begin to do some soul-searching and determine what kind of job you might actually like – or even love!
Before then or alongside, some of the common reasons for people to dislike their jobs include but may not be limited to:
- poor/inadequate pay [for those underpaid]
- unpleasant boss/supervisors [for those having difficult boss]
- overwhelming/tedious tasks [for those with skills shortfall]
- physically demanding work [for those without strength]
- mentally demanding work [for those who hate thinking]
- others
Write It All Down
Your first step toward getting out of a job you dislike is to list what it is you don’t like about your job. Don’t be afraid to list everything.
- Are you an introvert in a job that suits extroverts?
- Are you an extrovert stuck in a cubicle by yourself all day?
- Are you promoting products that you can’t get on board with because of your faith?
- Or dealing with people that drive you crazy?
Write it all out, as this can be helpful to see if you do hate the kind of work you’re doing, or if maybe the culprit is unhappiness deep in you that’s seeping into the job. It could be that you’re dealing with some anxiety or depression, and you think a different job will solve your emotional state when in reality, it might not.
Now, look at your list to get an idea of whether you’re just not digging the job, or you’ve got some underlying issues going on.
This can help you in determining your next step.
A New Career Path
If it’s a new career path you desire, rest assured that you can begin to take steps toward pursuing one.
You may feel trapped where you are, but that may just be your perspective; not reality. You may not be too sure! If a new career is what you’re after, take a moment to think about the thousands of people today that will decide to go after a new job. They’ll have had enough of where they are and desire something different. It’s commonplace and you can do this too.
Do you want to get out of this job you hate? Fantastic. Commit to doing what it takes to change your career path.
How to Change Your Career
It might feel daunting to up and change careers. You may not have a clue where to start. The good news is that there is so much information offline and online that can help you. Again, answer:
- What do you think you want to do?
- What kind of job do you think you would like?
Write it all down.
Start researching what it takes to start a new career:
- Do you need to take a class?
- Go to college?
- Send out resumes?
- Hire a career coach?
All of this is possible. A Career Coach or Recruiter can help you immensely if you’re wanting to switch careers or get out of a job you hate. It might be an investment financially, but the return on that investment will be one of the greatest you’ll ever receive.
Think about it. You spend mega hours at work, so you want to be sure you’re spending those hours doing something that feels fulfilling.
Follow Up on the Details
Once you figure out a career path that you feel you’d like, make a plan to go after that job.
Create a cover letter and resume if the job requires such. If you can’t write them, hire someone who can. Also, don’t be afraid to ask other people for advice and referrals. Just making a plan isn’t enough. You must follow through with action.
If You Can’t Leave Your Current Job or Employment
Sometimes it’s challenging to leave your current job/employment right away.
This can be quite frustrating. However, you can choose to view your circumstances as temporary, and that may help you be able to show up in a better mood. You might feel like you’ll be stuck there forever, but that doesn’t have to be the case.
Choose to believe that you can and will make the kind of changes you desire as soon as you can. Use that current job as an opportunity to practice patience, compassion, and service to humanity.
You never know who you come in contact with who may simply need a smile or a kind word from you. You can brighten their day. This can help you get through the time frame awaiting your new job.
You Don’t Have to Hate Your Job
If you currently dislike your job, no doubt it is impacting you and perhaps others in your life.
If you’re emotionally or physically exhausted, you may not even be in the best mindset to know how to go about getting that job you would love. This is a prime reason to consider a career coach, as they can help you begin to identify what it is you desire and launch a plan to get there.
Finding a new job in a field that makes you happy will greatly improve your outlook on life and also help you feel more content. Dream big and know that you deserve to have a successful career that brings you fulfilment and joy.
“Your career path should be a reflection of your authentic self, a pursuit that ignites your passion and brings fulfilment to your soul. Don’t be afraid to embrace change, explore new horizons, and step into the unknown. For it is in daring to choose a new career path that you uncover your true potential and unlock the doors to boundless opportunities. Believe in yourself, trust your instincts, and let your journey unfold with the unwavering determination to create a truly extraordinary life.” – Oprah Winfrey.
Mike Ihezuo is a Life Coach, and a Motivational Teacher by HIS Grace. Mike can help you. Reach him through any of the online channels, #LeadershipXcellence, @mikeihezuospeakshq,,