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Customer Service As Success Key

Customer Service As Success key for impact in business and life. Do you know many people don’t know the reason for their challenges despite efforts? Customer service is a strategic advantage for any organization and individual. Customer service is not about marketing, it is and is about leadership. Wow! It’s a key to being a […]

Success Key#1 For Recession


Creativity remains a Success Key#1 For Recession. Read from scripture. 1-2 First this: God created the Heavens and Earth— all you see, all you don’t see. Earth was a soup of nothingness, a bottomless emptiness, an inky blackness. God’s Spirit brooded like a bird above the watery abyss. 3-5 God spoke: “Light!” And light appeared. […]

Creativity: Success Key Secret in Recession


Do you know Creativity: Success Key Secret in Recession is real? In one of my books, THE TIME YOU ARE LIVIN’ IN: Living Successfully In The 21st Century, I ransacked creativity in one of the chapters. I have spoken extensively on creativity as a public speaker. Creativity is the process of bringing something new into […]

Creativity Is Success Key#1 For Impact


Creativity Is Success Key#1 For Impact. The world is greatly challenged economically and in leadership. Our peculiar case in the developing world is more imposing (bad) creating a rescue task for someone like me in helping individuals and organizations to walk out of the recession. But how many people can submit to knowledge in any […]


Inspiration, can I inspire you? Leaders inspire followers under normal circumstances. Read what Steve Job, cofounder of Apple Computers said.  “Management is about persuading people to do things they do not want to do, while leadership is about inspiring people to do things, they never thought they could.” This is thick!! Question: Are you a […]

Benefits Of Problems, 2

There are social, economic, or otherwise gains or Benefits Of Problems. A leader never has two good days in a row; so you’re likely in the midst of one sort of problem or another, one sort of challenge or another. Whether it’s a problem at work within your own life, or people you lead, there […]

Benefits to Problems, 1

There are inherent benefits to problems. Have you heard people perhaps saying, “I don’t want a problem?” You may be tempted to say such a person is a good, peaceful person or a peacemaker. I, too don’t want an unproductive problem. But problems can be gainful. Problems introduce you to: Yourself – Here is what my […]

You Can’t Input Little In Life & Expect Much

You Can’t Input Little In Life & Expect Much from the same life. If you know up to a little, I know in teamwork, you’ll know that; Team play does not negate the differential rating of team players hence no team goes far without a playmaker. Nigerian teams hardly have a playmaker, or star player. […]

Lessons From Footballers


Sometimes, I wonder whether people who watch soccer matches see the kind of things I see; the Lessons From Footballers, I learn. I do see full-bodied and full-blooded men throw their weights and strengths to be in control of a small round leather object (ball). People shout in the excitement of strength, goals, and skills. […]

Can You Be A Great Leader Without Technical Experts?

Can you be a great leader without technical experts is a question most people cant know how to pose. A lot of people assume that the skills you need to be a leader are more or less transferable like shares/stocks. They think: that if you can inspire and motivate people in one area, you should […]

Capacity For Leadership

The #1 bane of leadership performance can be attributed to poverty in Capacity For Leadership. “People cannot be managed… inventory, materials, machines, and money can be managed, but people [managers and manpower] must be led”, says H Ross Perot. Leadership is a skill, though more predominantly an attitude. You born a leader is the day […]

Reasons Why You Do What You Do, 1

Many people do not regularly check the Reasons Why You Do What You Do. Now, read this story. An army barrack had 4 soldiers guarding a concrete slab in front of the barracks at all times. Different commanders came and went but the tradition remained; the soldiers changed shifts guarding the slab. ​After 80 years […]