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You Gotta Have A Vision

You Gotta Have A Vision, no matter anything.

You Gotta Have A Vision

VISION crafting can be applied in anything you’re working on just like goals-setting – the vision of education, the vision of family life, the vision of career, the vision of old age, the vision of the business, the vision of the year, the vision of… you name it!!! Please, take a deep sleep, perhaps for days to craft a vision for different aspects of your life pursuit.

When you do that (crafting the vision), you break the realization/achievement of each vision area into segments in seasons, perhaps 5 years, 3 years, or 1 year as the case may be, and call it OBJECTIVES.

Your MISSION is just a mission!!! Mission simply means your reason for BEING, for EXISTING, for LIVING – it’s what you do every day. As a lawyer, your career MISSION is to defend your clients by advocacy and soliciting. Your mission in other areas of your life differs. As a medic, your mission is to provide CARE… and on and on, and you can craft your mission.

Now, your vision is becoming achievable by the INCREMENTAL laying of bricks of objectives and mission. Now, you can do something to achieve the objectives easier than going directly to achieve the vision. This thing you do to achieve your objectives is called STRATEGY.

Strategy is your REVISABLE and REVIEWABLE plans to achieve your mapped-out objectives. It’s your master game plan to succeed, beat competitors, maneuver in competition, win, outwit, to OVERCOME obstacles, … You can’t win in life, career, and business without a strategy (Gk: stratagem: – life war plans.) Period.

If that plan is planned and executed at impromptu or without notice to review/revise before executing, we call it TACTICS. Tactics are so common in sports, more than wars, battles, careers, and businesses, because the coach has no time in the field of play to plan and replan than to tell the athletes what to do to win. Any situation you have to plan and execute immediately, we say, you have tactics or you’re a tactician.

Your strategy can only work by GUIDED DISCIPLINE made possible by your VALUES (values are what you consider important and are compromisable to you, and only you, even without others). Core values just mean few, untouchable, unplayable Values among many you may have, perhaps 3, or 4 and at most 5.

From what I’ve said so far, nothing stops you from buying exercise book(s) to craft a Vision Statement, Mission Statement, Core Values, Objectives, and Strategy for your Life, Career, Family, Business, Old Age, Education, etc. Governments, Institutions, Profit and Non-Profit Organizations, Mosques, Ministry and Churches, Individuals, and You especially NEED it – all I’ve written.

You can call or send your questions for further clarification on You Gotta Have A Vision to:

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…everything is not leadership But Leadership is Everything

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Dr Mike Ihezuo

Content Creator

Mike is a leader and leader’s developer, a speaker, an author and a prolific writer, a researcher and consultant. He invests life, time, energy, resources and money to empowering organizations desiring upward dive to top performance and individuals desirous of fulfilling their destinies, discovering purpose and seeking success towards significance. Mike, as a life coach, team builder, conflict resolutions exponent, motivational maestro, negotiation experts, corporate strategist, an entrepreneur and entrepreneurial developer, invites you to this LeadershipRoundTableHQ. Let’s talk and discuss so as to learn and GROW…


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