Beware Of, Rather Be Careful Of Packaging

Packaging is an interesting marketing concept. It means putting something inside a package or (just ornamenting a thing, content, or a pack). A package is a container that houses or contains content. Content is mostly the coveted or talked-about substance in a product /service, while the container or package is mostly the at-traction, dis-traction – call it attractiveness. Do you consider that most of the time what attracts you to a thing, product, or service is not the content, but the container, the package, not just the package, the packaging? Packaging is an ART and SCIENCE of putting a thing in a package with or without the associated hype. I like packaging (don’t mind my objectivity). But…but sometimes I look more to see what is packaged inside the container – the content.
Do you know that if most people know, or have consciousness of the content, the volume of sales will reduce? Everyone packages as consultants like us to advise companies, organizations, governments, ministries, and individuals.
What’s the goal of packaging?
This more or less makes you forget or think less of the original content, and be distracted by the hype.
+ Do you know that every year most beverage companies repackage their container, yet the same or too minimal change in taste, color, or aroma? If more than that, they brand it a different product.
+ Do you know auto companies with the same engine or minimal difference, repackage booth, bonnet, light, or backside to create different curves so as to call the car a new edition and keep selling?

+ Do you know this happens in all hardware, software/apps? Every week the apps in your phone n laptop are asking you to upgrade/update, so they continue collecting from you (via data.)
+ Do you know some politicians wear overflowing agbada, good ‘senators’ and or designers and talk sweetly and saintly to electorates to win their votes? Why? Packaging! They know the REAL person speaking.
+ Do you know most people ”makeup” and snap themselves and you’re deceived? Why? Packaging.
All can package, some eat from packaging. Packaging is mostly promoted by:
- Public expectations; society
- Graphic designers
- Make-up artists
- Photographers, video editors,
- Marketers, advertisers, PROs
- Consultants, motivational speakers
- Liers and
- also few good people.
One single goal: to give you what you WANT, not what you NEED.
The greatest SATISFACTION or ESSENCE of packaging is to feed you with the lust of the eyes.
1 John 2:16 KJV
For all that is in the world, the lust of the flesh, and the lust of the eyes, and the pride of life, is not of the Father but is of the world.
The triplets, 3 musketeers:
- LUST of the eyes,
- LUST of the flesh and
- PRIDE of life
can enslave anyone from getting the original deal: the true CONTENT and life. Go more for content than packaging.