Leading From Where You Are: The Processes continues the series Leading From Where You Are. This is part 10.
Your Stepping Stones – Eyes on Rewards
In keeping your focus on your reward, you are reminding yourself of where you are going and why it is important to get there!
This is Leading From Where You Are: The Processes. The process is no longer the issue or the distraction when you are highly focused on your goal and the reasons (reward) for why you must reach your goal (change). You become positively charged for change and you will push over obstacles and pick up where you left off when you stumble.
Your stumbles become stepping stones and you become more and more powerful in your own life. So, my encouragement here for positive life change is to not focus on change itself but focus on your rewards. Spend the time to visualize and imagine your achievements. See yourself with the victory. Imagine your journey as powerful and enriching and imagine the new opportunities that will open up for you as you reach your next level of success. See it! Taste it! Feel it!

Focus on Actions – Be Action Biased
Change is simply taking the next necessary action. Just focus on the next actions you need to take to get where you want to be instead of thinking about what you are giving up [sacrifice], leaving behind [leaving out], and putting off [foregoing]. That’s the wrong focus for change and the wrong idea about the importance of making a change in your life.
In other words, just make change a natural progression by deciding to embrace your next action as naturally as you would decide an action to take for anything else.
Focus on your reward [reason] and celebrate your progress all along the way. Don’t make it an all-or-nothing event. You won’t get it perfect the first time. You won’t arrive with the first attempt. All journeys vary in time and distance, your task is to go the distance. Reward yourself at each step of the way. Leading From Where You Are: The Processes is cute.
Celebrate Every Step – Small or Big
Celebrate the small steps and shout the victory on the bigger steps. Always consider that you are worthy of the success you are seeking and remind yourself that you are valuable and worth working on. You must know on the inside that you are worthy of winning! And you ever, ever quit!
You will fall short along the way (guaranteed!) but know that you are making progress and that is important. Most people quit if they don’t get it right the first time and if they can’t be perfect. That’s the fear of failure and you should avoid that at all costs. It will spoil the fun of enjoying the journey of life change, success, and motivation.
To stay positive your thinking must embrace the very best of yourself and the very best that life has to offer you. Your goals should reflect your best expectations and you should empower yourself with the best reasons for why your transformation is necessary.
Dr. Mike is a Leadership Authority, Speaker, Author, and Writer. He helps leaders achieve achieve their goals and dreams. he can be reached on the CONTACT.
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