Leading From Where You Are: the Change System determines so much of leading from where you are. Notably in this is to consider the Reward system, Starting where you are today, and eyes on the worst and best cases. Here we go…

Rewards System
We should realize however that change is constant and the only event we can rely on to never change, as the saying goes “the only constant thing is change“. So, I’d like to share with you one way you can cooperate with change to create greater positive success in our thinking and motivation so that we can realize good progress and avoid fleeting “emotions” for change.
Start Where You Are Today
No one succeeds or changes overnight. The first step to creating lasting change is to start where you are. However simple this may sound it is still important to realize how powerful this statement is. Starting where you are means that you should make an honest evaluation of your life’s progress. This is Leading From Where You Are: the Change System.
You can easily do a quick evaluation by asking yourself these four questions:
- Where are you today?
2. Where do you want to be tomorrow?
3. What actions must I take to get there?
4. What is the best that happen if I act now?leadership
Eyes on Worst vs Best Case Scenario
“Change isn’t always easy, but it is always necessary“, says T. L. Pakii Pierce.
After asking yourself questions 1 through 3 make sure you have a clear answer for question #4 as it will support your answers to the first 3 questions.
We are usually asked to consider the “worst case scenario” by asking ourselves “What’s the worst that can happen?“. I believe this is indeed useful because sometimes we can imagine the worst thing possible thus stalling our ability to take action [act]. Considering the worst case is really about confronting our fears and going for it anyway! Our experiences aren’t as bad as we imagine once we take action.
Considering the best-case scenario puts your focus on your reward and keeps you thinking positively while keeping your energy up. By keeping your mind fixed on your reward you create a compelling future that not just pulls you but drives you to complete your changes and reach your goals.
Dr Mike assists leaders to achieve maximally their goals. He can be reached on this CONTACT.
What do you think about Leading From Where You Are: the Change System? Comment, please.