Leading From Where You Are: Test of Time & Vision is paramount in defining us to stand the test of time before thinking of leading others or leading from where we are.

Self Leadership
If we are to stand the test of time, then we must be leaders to ourselves before we can be leaders to the world. We must follow through on our commitments and always remain true to ourselves. No compromises. This is leading you. Personal leadership. Self-leadership. Can you lead you?
We must decide early on how we are going to define ourselves and then set out to make that a reality to the world. The world will receive us only as we receive ourselves. If we want to know how others see us, then all we need to do is examine how we see ourselves.
It doesn’t matter what we say or set out to do. We will always have to be tested in the arena of life and only the fully persuaded and committed will win the day. Inside each one of us is a leader and champion ready to take charge and contend for the best in life. To make the best of life we must change. To change we must be leaders to ourselves.
We must take responsibility for where we are today and the results, we want tomorrow. It is time to chart your course and get on with getting in your life. Put an end to aimless wandering and drifting. Decide that you will build a more meaningful existence for yourself and your loved ones. You need to open your eyes to new possibilities. You have to see where you want to go, establish why you must get there, and choose to become the person it is going to take to get there.

Leading From Where You Are: Test of Time & Vision cannot be possible without vision.
Do you have a vision of your tomorrow? What is your vision? When everything is said and done what does your final destination look like? What is that picture in mind about who you see yourself having become and what do you see yourself having accomplished?

If you haven’t given much thought to this then do so now. Do so without consideration for your current level of resources (time, energy, education, money, etc.). If you have at some point dreamed of your ideal life, that vision of where you want to end up then dust off your dream clarify it, and get specific.
Jim Rohn once said: “The greatest pull on your life should be the pull of the future because then you won’t be pulled by your past or pulled apart by circumstances.”
You have a powerfully compelling picture in mind of the future that produces passion in you so great that your transformation must occur if you are to obtain it!
Leader Mike Ihezuo teaches Leadership and Alternative Disputes Resolutions to organizations. He can be reached on this CONTACT.
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