It Starts with You
Whether we are willing to acknowledge it to others or admit it to ourselves, we all need a little praise in our life. There is this power of praise and encouragement on the individual performances of those you may lead. A good leader doesn’t just provide encouragement to someone because they deserve it but provides a continual stream of encouragement by identifying the good in those they lead and then building on that.
Some people may not feel that they aren’t leaders at all and in fact may not lead any group of people, large or small. However, the point of leadership always starts with an audience of one – you. You are a leader of [at least] one…you, YOURSELF. We all lead ourselves long before we ever find ourselves leading others.
How would you describe your leadership of you [self]? If you spent time focusing on your positive characteristics and on what you do well and encouraging yourself along those lines, do you think you would see a marked improvement in your overall success, motivation, and positive attitude? Why don’t you document what is right and good about yourself and what you do to begin to encourage yourself along those lines? Talk about what you do well and what is going well in your life. Build your success and motivation on the positive things you are moving towards and not on the negative things you are moving away from.

Remember: You are only one thought away from change, one idea away from breakthrough!
You’re already a powerful leader…of one!
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