Leading From Where You Are: Core Values are essentially key to leading from where you are.
Your values are the rudders for your pursuit of your life dream and values are essential to personal leadership. Values are the stuff that a character is made of. Your beliefs determine the actions you will take, and your actions determine the character you make. If you are pursuing something that doesn’t align with your core values you will be out of alignment and your efforts will be hindered considerably.
For example, if one of my core values is family yet my pursuit of business creates a situation in which my family is being neglected and suffered, then I’m not in alignment and cannot sustain my efforts long. Because I value my family greatly, I will grow weary in my business efforts because of my neglect of my family. Or I could continue with the neglect and have a family situation that at worst can end in total breakdown. Ultimately, I would conflict with myself and would need to resolve the situation or clarify my values once again.

Finishing strong
The idea is to lead ourselves on the inside first. When we communicate to ourselves in images and words that are clear, specific, and strong we’re laying the foundation for finishing strong. We in essence provide ourselves with the tools to manage conflict on the outside by not having conflict on the inside.
There is another saying that says “As within, so without“. Where there is change, there is conflict. The crisis is a fact of life. I challenge you to step up and reach up for more! What you see in your mind will happen in time. If you see yourself as being more than you, you will become more. If you can see your transformation, then your transformation is getting ready to happen!
What do you want to accomplish with your life? Really…what is it? Whatever it is I want you to know that it’s right there, just within your reach. You can grab hold of it today…right now…by starting where you are and leading where you live.
Dr Mike Ihezuo is a leadership expert and he advises leaders and entrepreneurs. He can be reached on the CONTACT.

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