One of the most reverberated characteristics of a leader is INTEGRITY; Integrity & Leaders. Someone said that integrity is dead. This is laughable. This also points to the fact that most of us will grow old without experiencing seeing a leader talk less of understanding leadership. If this mindset exists, how can we be good leaders? Leadership foundation is laid not on vision but on TRUST and INTEGRITY. It was Samuel Johnson of 1709-1784 who said that Integrity without knowledge is weak and useless, and knowledge without integrity is dangerous and dreadful. I think the latter part of the sentence is more terrible than earlier. Integrity means living a life that is CONSISTENT in belief and behaviour (action), in words and deeds.

Integrity means ONE, ONENESS from INTEGRAL, INTEGRATION – bringing to ONE. (Some of you who read Mathematics will understand where the word comes from.) Britannica Encyclopedia Dictionary defines integrity [from the root word: integer entire] as:
- Firm adherence to a code especially moral or artistic values: incorruptibility.
- An unimpaired condition: soundness.
- The quality or state of being complete or undivided: complete honesty.
Only definitions! “Knowledge is the only Deliverance you need to walk away from the captivity of ignoramus” – Mike Ihezuo. If you know this, it will help you walk tall. Integrity is not integrity because it is
favouring you. Integrity is not dead because it is not favouring you. That’s the way many define things. It’s good if it’s favouring the person in question. It’s bad if otherwise. Many things in life don’t know MORALITY, for instance, Law, Leadership, Integrity, Management, etc. They address what has been stated, written, or pursued. Going to two decades now, I have been teaching leadership to government, managers, pastors, unionists, etc. So, I’ve defined and created many (patent) words. See my definition: integrity is harmony and consistency of actions, values, methods, measures, principles, expectations, and outcomes. It’s harmony between your mind, heart, and mouth. Start walking in integrity, it is not dead as one said.
Mike Ihezuo can be CONTACTED for Leadership Development.
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