On Integrity and Leadership, see this one;
“God loves the pure-hearted and well-spoken; good leaders also delight in their friendship.” Proverbs 22:11 (The Message)

In a society and time that despises or frowns at INTEGRITY, you look like an odd man out talking about integrity. But integrity is an aspect of character which is the acid test of leadership. A few years ago, I watched on CNN how the South Korean National Assembly voted out their president, President Park Geun for an allegation of a financial scam involving her. She stayed away for 6months as the prime minister manned the business of the government while the Constitutional Court of 9 members investigated the allegations. The law says they would return her if found free (guiltless) from the allegations otherwise she would lose her place as the President. The voting was 234 (Go) against 56 (Stay). It wasn’t on the party line but about the integrity line of South Korea. It pricked me because, in my country, such things don’t happen. All things are either POLITICIZED, RELIGIOUSIZED, or REGIONALIZED. Integrity is a stranger here. Impunity is normal here. But see what that scripture said about GOD and GOOD LEADERS. Your integrity is one of the best friends that your friends will ever have. (You didn’t get me!). The greatest thing your friends get from you is CERTAINLY not your money or connection, BUT your INTEGRITY.
When the people around you know that you’re a person of integrity, they know that you are material to influence them (and material to trust), because of the opportunity to add value to their lives. They don’t have to worry about your motives, because they know it as they know their names that you are a person of INTEGRITY. But, let me ask: DO YOU HAVE INTEGRITY? Are you a man/woman of integrity? Are your motives clean and straight? There is no art or science by anyone to know if you have it than your knowing it.
Excerpt from Leadership Is Everything by Mike Ihezuo.
Dr Mike Ihezuo can be CONTACTED here.
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