Don’t Be Doomed Forever. Some time ago, I was a guest in a meeting and I was speaking to young people of school age.

I believe that many people are involved in the process of developing a child vis-a-vis tomorrow’s leader. They include the systems (educational, cultural, religious, social, technical, and technological), parents, teachers, child itself, peers, and society.
I believe teachers contribute much to doooooooomness just like parents do, perhaps more than the systems, children themselves, and the government. I believe so!
I told them in love the plane truth, the classic reality of The Time We Are Livin’ In (theme appears carved from my book title) that;
* WHEN young people don’t want to read books but want the certificate as if they’ve read, they’re doooooooomed and deceived.
*WHEN young people love big marks but hate big hard work, they’re doooooooomed.
* WHEN young people don’t like the priCe but like the priZe, they’re doooooooomed and shortchanged.
* WHEN among young people about 90% of students (5% would have been tolerable) prefer their lecturers to write their projects at a consideration (cost, sex) to pay; they’re doooooooomed

* WHEN young people pay money to lecturers to collect previous years’ projects’ or seminars’ reports and to re-present them again only to change the title page by inserting a new name, they’re doooooooomed and their society is doooooooomed more.
* When people about 95% of students return the previous year’s projects to a compromising Lecturer and any Lecturer who insists on original work; becomes a petition for a change of supervisor will be written against (and branded a difficult Lecturer), they doooooooomed and the system finished.
* IT’S the same spirit that some young people senior teachers (called professors) rig elections for politicians (who have established the facts that everybody is the same ten and ten pence – corrupt), thereby making the society doooooooomed.
* WHEN young people as students organize beers, “nkwobi”, “isi ewu”, suya, and hangouts/hotels for lecturers with 1 babe on the right and 1 babe on the left, so that during exam marking, their 2% exam score (F: Failed) turns out to 80% (A: Excellent), someone is doooooooomed. If you’re an engineering student especially structural/civil, you’ll be a disaster/collapse waiting to occur, if you are a medical student, you are a pandemic waiting to be announced.
* WHEN young people see and say the Lecturer who compels them to earn their mark is the wicked one and the other that scores their money is a good Lecturer (can a student give a gift to teachers? Yes, but not to be abused or serve as a bribe), they’re doomed forever.
* WHEN young people’s teachers don’t have a touch/knowledge of what the industry you’re going into looks like, but keep teaching 1- or 2-week lectures as 15-week lectures, they’re doomed forever.
* WHEN you’re, for instance, reading a course say Computer Science but your Lecturer, HOD, or Supervisor is BSc, MSc even PhD in Mathematics or Office Management Technology, you’re route to singularly and compoundly doooooooomed.
* WHAT I just said now applies to all of you in other courses – law, science, arts, management, media, medicals, etc; ensure that those teaching you any course read it to the required level and understand industry applications of the same, otherwise you’re; paying school fees, contributing to State Government /LG / proprietors IGR and unwittingly wasting years for nothing when already doooooooomed. Nigeria’s government keeps building universities and polytechnics without asking for manpower to manage human capacities.
* WHEN young people pay for special centers in SSCE and submit each answer script with N2000, they’re doooooomed.
* AND on and on… my dear students.
Life is governed by PRINCIPLES and POWERS. Principles are rules or laws set by God. One of the principles is life is seed, words are seeds, every seed you sow, you must reap (harvest).
+ No wrong practice can produce a good principle.
+ No nonviable seed can produce a healthy fruit.
+ If you sow EVIL, Sin, and CORRUPTION, you reap a harvest of its type.
Have a nice time.
Dr Mike is a Speaker, Writer, and Author. He can be reached via CONTACT.