Customer Service As Success key for impact in business and life.
Do you know many people don’t know the reason for their challenges despite efforts? Customer service is a strategic advantage for any organization and individual. Customer service is not about marketing, it is and is about leadership. Wow! It’s a key to being a leader. Anywhere in this life, you see service, leadership is addressed. Service is the fastest lane among other lanes leading to leadership. Years ago, I spoke to marketing managers and directors in a seminar, and I told them that it is my honour to talk to leaders like you on leadership topics like customer service. One or two of them almost felt, “Was this man not told who we are: marketers.” My next 2 sentences to them made them get the right perspective and knowledge of Customer Services. Everyone in any organization has 2 customers; internal (often called boss) and external (customer: the #1 reason for being in the market.) Your boss needs so much service that your career success depends on it. The same is to the king, the most rational being in business: the customer. Customer service is ALL you can do to get a repeat deal, a repeat business. Business is what pays the bill. No more, no less.

A 27-year-old Southern University USA MSc grad corrected my definition of business in 1998 November at an award celebration night where I defined business as an exuberant MBA grad from a Nigerian university. I defined it as a venture, he defined it as what pays the bills. I might have felt bad at the spot, but over the next 3 months, I discovered he was right, I was wrong.
What pays your bill? What put food on your table? That’s your business. Not necessarily a venture, because many ventures are not paying. A customer makes business INDEED business. You serve them with quality. Quality service means serving the client/customer in a manner that EXCEEDS his/her expectations and posted advertisements, then adding even more value until complete customer satisfaction is achieved. Wow! Have you lost me or vice versa? The goal of Customer Service is to make him/her come back another day. Until a buyer comes and comes and comes, you haven’t got a CUSTOMER, you only have seen a buyer. You don’t have buyers, but you see buyers. Similarly, you don’t see customers have and receive customers. Though, I used customer here; the same meaning applies to members, clients, congregation, etc. One of the reasons many churches can’t grow is because their leaders have poor customer service skills.
Customer Service As Success key for impact in business and life. Can Mike Ihezuo put you through on 12 Steps for Achieving Superior Quality Service OR Customer Services Top 10? CONTACT.