Creativity As Success Secret For Recession brings out the creativity or creative nature of us as creators.

Creative people are creators. They come into the class of small gods. They are unequivocally creators. They create such things as:
- TIME; they create time out of the normal 24 hours and make people ask, “When did this man accomplish this?” Is it not the same time of 24 hours we have that he has?
- OPPORTUNITY; they create opportunities that make people fit in; get involved, be empowered, or be employed. They are change-makers (creators) for others.
- STRATEGIES AND PLANS endlessly; My GOD, I have never run out of strategies and plans. Strategy is a revisable “game” plan. Creators create them.
- PRODUCTS AND SERVICES for the market; Creative people are not ok with present product/service lines but are obsessed with the introduction of new ones and innovation of existing ones to extend the relevance of you and your organization in the market.
There are others 5 making it 9, I teach LIVE as WHAT CREATIVITY CREATE, but for want of space, know these 4 until we meet live.
I wish to share today what I call 10 Strategies for Increasing Your Creativity and Innovation. I consider concluding the journey because, afterward, I will start looking at the next key [key#3] which I call CUSTOMER SERVICE. I will stop creativity for now though not having touched 1% of it compared to what we can do on LIVE SEMINARS. If your organization or you need us, CONTACT.
Three levels exist in becoming creative and they are discovery, invention, and creation.
Having known this now and understanding the various levels of creativity, you can implement some strategies that will boost your organization’s ability to create and innovate.
10 Strategies to Boost Creativity and Innovation.
For want of space and economy of reading time, let me discuss only 3 here.
- Truly creative people have developed their ability to observe and use all their senses, which can get dull over time. Take time to “sharpen the blade” and take everything in.
- Innovation is based on knowledge. Therefore, you need to continually expand your knowledge base. Read things you don’t normally read.
- Your perceptions may limit your reasoning. Be careful about how you’re perceiving things. In other words, defer judgment.
The other 7 Strategies to Boost Creativity and Innovation are available on request of Creativity As Success Secret For Recession.
Now, do you know these? Or does your organization know these? That’s it. Mike Ihezuo Can Help You!!! Post a Comment, please.