Celebrating one of the newest arbitrators, Dr Mike Ihezuo, MCArb.Arbitration as a means of Alternative Dispute Resolution [ADR] has continued to gain a large ground in the scheme of dispute resolution globally. Arbitration together with Mediation, Conciliation, and Negotiation has continued to gain ground in achieving settlements to disputes, and conflict resolutions as against using litigations; the courtroom processes.
Reasons for ADR
The provocations for ADR vis-à-vis the pros, advantages, and edges against the classical or traditional legal litigation systems are;
- Speed in handling arbitration and other ADR processes
- Less expensive as you know the cost upfront, and no hidden charges, and appearances costs of number of appearances you cannot determine or know;
- The relative ease of enforcement of arbitral awards worldwide as the parties merely end in a win-win situation, where the loser understands why he loses easily and accepts it sportsmanly.
- Foster friendship after legal actions,
- and coupled with numerous advantages ADR confers.
Dr Mike on Hot Seat
Career in ADR

A career in arbitration is definitely a long journey – a journey with combinations of several inputs; strong legal training, and a legal mind, technical averseness in technical areas of arbitration, ADR professional education, networking and collaborations, continuous self-improvement and personal development, and a focus on building one’s reputation for fairness, efficiency and incorruptibleness. The role of continuous self-education and professional development with credible institutions is crucial to staying competitive and relevant in the evolving field of arbitration.
Effective marketing, networking, and collaborating can enhance visibility and credibility, with technology as an enhancement of these processes.

So, embracing technology is key.
Strategically positioning, the future is bright and promising, the coast is clear for navigation, and the reward is ok, not bad. Though the journey requires intensive work and sacrifices, this end makes ADR continue to gain prominence and significant recognition, massive popularity, and acceptability, as not just the primary and preferred means but also the most effective means of Dispute Resolution [DR] outside the traditional courtroom processes.
With the ever-growing increase in globalization of trade, business, commercialization, and cross-border transactions, it is projected that arbitration and other ADR means would further enhance amicably the resolution of international disputes, and commercial/contractual transactional disputes and also boost the confidence of the disputing parties.

Nigerian Institute of Chartered Arbitrators, the Apex Arbitration Pro Body
In the foregoing, it becomes pertinent that the practices of arbitration and ADR in Nigeria cum Africa appreciate significantly and be benchmarked with global best practices and standards. It is in light of this that the Nigerian Institute of Chartered Arbitrators, NICArb, the apex arbitration body in Nigeria pooled a 3day 2023 Annual Arbitration / ADR Conference themed Repositioning Arbitration and ADR Practice ln Africa, and 2023 Investiture of Full Members, Associate Members and Quality Mediators, that is a hybrid conference [Live + Virtual] of national and international gatherings from 15th – 17th November 2023 at Abuja Continental Hotel. Maitama, Abuja – the venue that is the first time the conference is being held outside Lagos. Sixteen sponsors sponsored the events as sixteen media partnered with NICArb in making the event, 2023 Annual Arbitration / ADR Conference themed Repositioning Arbitration and ADR Practice ln Africa, and 2023 Investiture of Full Members, Associate Members, and Quality Mediators huge success.
The erudite leaders’ developer, researcher, consultant, management guru, and entrepreneurial sage, Dr Mike Ihezuo was among those admitted into the hall of Full Members, MCArb, of the Nigerian Institute of Chartered Arbitrators, NICArb.
We wish him a happy career as an arbitrator of the Federal Republic of Nigeria.
About Mike Ihezuo, MCArb
Mike Ihezuo, MCArb, pioneers and leads many Leadership, Entrepreneurship, and Motivational, including Management interests, now Peacebuilding cum Legal. He can be reached on https://www.mikeihezuospeaks.net/peacebuilding, https://www.proctles.com/conflicts-2, https://leadershiproundtablehq.com, including some social media sites like #leadershipxcellence, @mikeihezuospeakshq, @LeaderMikeO, @MikeOIhezuo, @MikeIhezuoSpeaksTv, and email: leadermikeo@gmail.com.