Lessons From Footballers

Sometimes, I wonder whether people who watch soccer matches see the kind of things I see; the Lessons From Footballers, I learn. I do see full-bodied and full-blooded men throw their weights and strengths to be in control of a small round leather object (ball). People shout in the excitement of strength, goals, and skills. […]
How Do You See What You Do? 1

How Do You See What You Do, perhaps your career, business, study, profession, or ministry? This is a million dollars question as people would say. Don’t you think so? The way you think about a thing affects your productivity there because it affects all your subconsciousness cum mind to affect your motor nerves (action points) […]
Anger Management

Anger Management, the Case of Zinedine Zidane Discipline lies at the root of all success and accomplishment, even discipline with your emotions (feelings, outbursts, wraths), actions (deeds), and mouth (pronouncements). From my book “The Time You’re Livin’ In: Living Successfully in the 21st Century”, receive an excerpt on how indiscipline from anger mismanagement can ruin a […]
Forces Of Success 1

Forces of success are real, too real than success itself. How many of us remember this trio rather, this picture, taken on their award day, at the finals of U17 World Cup Final played between Argentina versus Nigeria, where Argentina won with Nigeria as second (silver) by 3-2. In that tournament, the boy (now man) […]
Anger Management, Part 2

Implications to Leaders continued from Part 2 According to James Thurber, “of The Seven Deadly Sins, anger is possibly the most fun; to lick your wounds, to smack your lips over grievances long past, to roll over tongue the prospect of bitter confrontation still to come, to savour to the last toothsome morsel both the […]