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9 habits of people who achieve more in their 60s, 01

Age Gracefully

These are 9 daily habits of people who achieve more in their 60s than they ever did before.

These 9 daily habits of people who achieve more in their 60+s than they ever did before their 60 are particularly important for ageing people from their 50s.

You see, we have this common misconception that the prime of life is in the 20s to 30s, and everything beyond is a slow decline. That mentality causes us to surrender early and give up, especially on our failures. This primary cause of mid-life crisis occurs in 45 to 50 years of age.

Yeah, it is good to enjoy life early, and to the end. But, not to bother, many people are proving this stereotype wrong by achieving more in their age 60s and beyond than they ever did in their youth. The story of Colonel Sander, a retiree of 65 who started KFC, Kentucky Fried Chicken is not new to most people. Colonel Sander died at his 95.

There is a plethora of others that practice 9 habits of people who achieve more in their 60+s than ever before.

How do they do it? I mean, “…achieving more in their 60s and beyond than they ever did in their youth.” They usually practice a set of daily habits that fuels their passion for success.

In the course of working on my project: AgeGracefully, #AgeGracefullyHQ, I have tried to work out peculiarities and secrets in our 4 Pillars of people who achieve more in their age 60s and beyond than they ever did in their youth. I’ll be sharing with you the 9 daily habits of these people who thrive in their later years regularly incorporate into their lives.


The GOAL is to make you age gracefully. If you think your best years are behind you, think again. Change your thinking. You can meet up if you follow #AgeGracefullyHQ. With these habits, your golden years could be your most productive and fulfilling yet, just like Colonel Sanders and others. [Google Colonel Sanders or Founder, Kentucky Fried Chicken]. The researched 9 habits of people who achieve more in their 60+s than ever before are;

  1. They Embrace lifelong learning … they’re Professional Learners

I have already given you an assignment. Did you observe? See last paragraph… Google Colonel Sander… Lifelong Learning. Let’s start with one of the most prevalent habits of people who excel in their 60s and beyond: they never stop learning… learning to them is a lifetime, lifelong, a pro thing.

These individuals understand that growth doesn’t stop when you hit a certain age or graduate from ‘uni’ or high school. They’re always seeking to learn something unique, and new, whether it’s a new skill, a new language, or even a new recipe, a new knowledge. This constant thirst for knowledge keeps them at the cutting edge, with their minds sharp and their spirits high.

But it isn’t just about picking up new skills or knowledge for the sake of picking it. Embracing lifelong learning is about staying curious and open-minded about development and happenings. It’s about understanding that no matter how old you are, there’s always something new to discover. They don’t believe you don’t learn old tricks at old age.

To quote renowned psychologist Carl Rogers, “The only person who is educated is the one who has learned how to learn and change. Period!”

If you want to excel in your later years, 60+, start by cultivating a love for learning today even in your 30s, or 40s, if your reading is in your 30s. The easiest and fastest way to age gracefully is to start very early to think of “How will I age?”, “What will be my choice of ageing?

  1. They Prioritize health and fitness

I read of one Ebitimi Alozo, a 93-year-old Bayelsan [from Bayelsa State of Nigeria] who joggles every Thursday for 3 kilometres and who urges 25–35-year-old youth to compete with him. Great, isn’t it? There’s something observable in those who achieve more in their 60s and beyond. It is an unwavering commitment to their health and fitness.

Again, in Ebitimi’s example, when asked by the press in his jogging boxer and white singlet, about his dedication to fitness, he simply said, “My health is my wealth. It allows me to do what I want when I want. I challenge all the young men of 25 to 35 years to come out next Thursday, let us run for 3 kilometers.” What a challenge!

Looking at Ebitimi’s commitment to his health wasn’t just about physical exercise, though that was directly observed. He also must have prioritized a balanced diet and regular check-ups with his doctor. This is deduced from his straight stature and health condition.

Ebitimi is living proof that prioritizing your health and fitness can make a significant difference in your ability to achieve more later in life. It’s not just about adding years to your life, but life to your years – useful and luxuriant age indeed.

  1. They Mend Their Ways

The ageing sees the need for friendship and cordial relationships more than how they saw it in their 20s, 30s, and 40s. they engage in reconciliations, mending ways, resolving conflicts, and making peace than the youths.

Over time, I found now adult men and women who were tough, difficult, aggressive, and violent when I was very young, appearing soft, peaceable, friendly, and harmless. Sometimes, I tried to figure out what changed. It is maturity. It is a better view to live. It is a better understanding. It is like wishing one can relive life.

The 60+s gen tries to turn to peacemakers. Love and admonish peace. We’re still looking at 9 daily habits of people who achieve more in their 60s.

To see this generation still appearing as wicked as they were in their youth is not as much common. Sometimes, this positive is very, very intentional. Another time, it is not as intentional, yet there is change.

The daily habit of living right and peaceably adds so much to people who achieve more in their 60+s than they ever did before. It is a catalyst. Do you know the reward is plentiful…and do you remember, Matthew 5:9 God blesses those who work for peace, for they will be called the children of God. NLT

  1. They Practice mindfulness daily

The third habit about these people that keeps them thriving in their later years is the practice of mindfulness. Yes, you got it. You read me well.

Mindfulness, call it alertness, awareness, or heedfulness, is all about living in the present moment, fully aware and engaged with whatever you’re doing. It’s about letting go of past regrets and future anxieties and just focusing on the here and now…living in the present. That’s it!

Now, you might be thinking, “Easier said than done, right?” I agree with you. Developing a mindfulness practice isn’t something that happens overnight or anyhow.

I discussed this quite a bit in my book The Times You Are Livin’: Living Successfully In the 21st Century. I share practical ways and insights on how to cultivate this habit, which can lead to a more fulfilled and balanced life. By practicing mindfulness daily, those in their 60s and beyond can keep their minds clear and focused, enabling them to achieve more without getting overwhelmed by life’s ups and downs…or developing HBP [High Blood Pressure] or hypertension. It’s all about living with maximum impact, enjoying every moment for what it is. My gosh.

 Conclusion – Take Home

It’s about the voyage, the expedition, the trip. It’s are 9 daily habits of people who achieve more in their 60s.
When we talk about thriving in our 60s and beyond, it’s important to remember that it’s not just about reaching a certain age or achieving specific milestones.

Rather, it’s about the journey. It’s about cultivating habits that enrich our lives, enhance our well-being, and allow us to continue growing and learning.

At the heart of it all is the understanding that age is just a number. Age doesn’t define us or limit what we can achieve. As we have seen, many people accomplish more in their later years than they ever did in their youth. More importantly, is the GOAL of ageing gracefully. #AgeGracefullyHQ defines ageing gracefully [agegracefully] as ageing well, happily, richly, healthy, with legacy giving leadership, at once community/house, and spiritually sound.

Waoo, please go to part 02 for the rest 9 daily habits of people who achieve more in their 60s.

Dr Mike Ihezuo is just a MOTIVATOR, an INSPIRATION to many. CONTACT him. #AgeGracefullyHQ. @MikeOIhezuo. #Spring Up O Well!.

Continue on Part 2.

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Dr Mike Ihezuo

Content Creator

Mike is a leader and leader’s developer, a speaker, an author and a prolific writer, a researcher and consultant. He invests life, time, energy, resources and money to empowering organizations desiring upward dive to top performance and individuals desirous of fulfilling their destinies, discovering purpose and seeking success towards significance. Mike, as a life coach, team builder, conflict resolutions exponent, motivational maestro, negotiation experts, corporate strategist, an entrepreneur and entrepreneurial developer, invites you to this LeadershipRoundTableHQ. Let’s talk and discuss so as to learn and GROW…


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