I discussed 15 diseases of leadership, and even 15 Sicknesses of Leadership in my book Leadership Is Everything. It is in chapter 15, pages 163 to 178. I want to dwell a little on the diseases of leadership. Volume 1 of the series I called: The Pursuit of Excellence in Leadership titled: Leadership Is Everything was released in January 2016.

It was Pope Francis (who made no secret of his intention to radically reform the administrative structures of the Catholic Church which he regards as insular, imperious, and bureaucratic) who taught the world and me via Roman Curia (Cardinals + other RC officials). Pope Francis said these are diseases and temptations that can DANGEROUSLY weaken the effectiveness of any political, business, or otherwise organization. I didn’t know these in this perspective before then. Here’s the pope unedited.
Disease #1.
The disease of (leaders) thinking WE ARE IMMORTAL, IMMUNE or DOWNRIGHT INDISPENSABLE, AND THEREFORE NEGLECTING THE NEED FOR REGULAR CHECK UPS. [Wow: added by me. Pope continues.] A leadership team that is not SELF CRITICAL, which does not keep up with things, which does not seek to be more fit, is a SICK body. A simple visit to the cemetery might help us see the names (list) of many people who thought they were immortal, immune, and indispensable. It is the disease of those who turn into lords and masters, who think of themselves as above others and not at their service. It is the pathology of power and comes from a superiority complex, from a narcissism that passionately gazes at its image and does not see the face of others, especially the weakest and those most in need. The ANTIDOTE to this PLAGUE is humility, to say heartily, “I am merely a servant, I have not done what was my duty.”

Dr Mike Ihezuo can be CONTACTED here.
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